Monday, October 5, 2009

Relationship with the phone

While it is not absolutely crucial for me to always have my phone with me, I do use it for a decent amount of time every day, and usually do have it in my pocket. Some people treat their phone like it is their baby. They never let it out of their sight, and need that constant connection with others. This is not restricted to kids either, adults can be just as bad (see: Crackberry). For whatever reason, I have never been one of these people. I often find myself annoyed by my phone on a busy day. I have been known to ignore texts, simply because I do not feel like texting, and like to keep conversations to the point. It sounds weird today, but I actually prefer to hear the voice of the person I'm talking to, and actually use my PHONE, or talk to someone in person. This can be applied to computers as well. I used to be a pretty active AIM and Myspace user, but those days are long gone. I deleted my AIM account about two years ago, and sign in to myspace only to listen to music. No matter where we are we could be connected to not just one, but hundreds of people at a time. I think this has changed the entire social structure that used to be present, and is especially disruptive in schools and workplaces, where they cannot keep up with technology, and the kids often know more about it then adults. With all this said, I do usually have my phone in my pocket. You never know who is going to call, or text you, and if it's something urgent then, well that's what I bought the phone for in the first place, or at least, that's why my mom bought it. At the end of the day the technology is useful, and I can barely imagine life without it. It is how teens now organize, and get together. A lot of people don't ever ring a doorbell anymore, and when they do, they usually texted that person not long before. I never call housephones, and most people don't even know my house number. If the phone system were to go down I think I would be able to manage, but it would be extremely awkward. Cell phones have become more than a luxury, they have become a necessity. People would not know what to do without them, but eventually they would adapt back. Perhaps it would be a good thing for us to be communicating face to face as opposed to over the phone. There are many kids today that hide behind their computers and phones, and you never hear them talk, but on the phone they never shut up. These people would be forced to become more social, and break their shells. Not to mention, we'd all save a lot of money.

1 comment:

  1. 486 - so close!

    Technology certainly has done a great deal to alter our social structure as a society. Great observation!
