Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Litany Of Deep Questions

I'll start with one by the controversial Martin Heidegger, "Why is there something rather than nothing?". How could something have come from nothing? Has there always been something, and if there has, would that make it nothing? Why am I here? Why are we, as a human race, here? Why do people suffer? Why do some people succeed, and others who have put in just as much, if not more work often do not? Why do people love? Why do people hate? Why is life so short? Why do people steal? Why do people cheat? Why do people often look at the worst in things, instead of the best? Why can't life be simple? Why is getting into college so difficult? Why are people afraid to be themselves, and what benefits do lying or being shy have? Why can't people achieve world peace, and put their selfishness aside? Why are we so flawed, and not perfect? Why do people often need one person to rally around, instead of simply forming, and acting on their own beliefs? Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet? Do you have to know pain in order to know pleasure? What is the purpose of human emotions? What really is thought? Is there really a such thing as free will, or are our actions simply the cause of outside forces? Is the future of our lives and the future of everything around us really pre-determined? Do things really happen for a reason, or is life full of coincidence? Is there life after death? Are the "good" rewarded, and the "bad" punished? If the universe makes up everything, and it is expanding, where or what is it expanding to? Which emotion is stronger and more influential, anger or love? Why do we park in the driveway, and drive on the parkway? Are rules made to be broken, if not then why have the rules in the first place? Why don't people act before they think? Why do people argue about things they do not even know about? Why do some people stay the same their whole life, and others experiment or change constantly? Why does time seem to go by faster year after year? Why does the system of society, jobs schools etc. seem to ignore happiness and focus only on success? Is that what we really want? Is it better to compromise, or stand stern and strong? Why does the interaction between countries seem so similar to that of small children? Why do politicians or those running for public office often make promises they can't keep, and why do people believe them? Why do people often want to stick out, and fit in at the same time? Why can't most animals see color? How do we know there aren't other colors we cannot see, or that we are all seeing the same colors? Why is there jealousy? Why are there so many social standards involved in love? How did high school go by so fast?

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