Monday, March 22, 2010

Avoiding Conflicts

I will start this one off by telling you that avoiding conflict is impossible, which is not always entirely bad. However, there are certain "strategies" that I can use to experience as little conflict as possible, and water down conflict when I do encounter it. First of all, you have to learn to roll with the punches. Being able to recognize mistakes, and accept the consequences of these mistakes is key to avoiding all kinds of conflict. Many people tend to be stubborn, which only escalates the argument, and therefore the conflict. Somewhere, there must be compromise. Some people tend to simply ignore the people or problem at hand. This is equally as problematic. Ignoring a problem merely puts it aside for a period of time, it almost never erases the problem completely. Sure, since we were very little we have been told "if someone is bullying you, just ignore them", but it is never that easy. When ignored, most people's anger will only escalate until they are recognized. Then there are the kind of people who do whatever the problem or person asks them to do. At face value this seems to solve the problem, but inside the damage is done. I have found the best way minimize conflict in my life is to accept mistakes, face things head on, and then move on.
The things I've explained are great for dealing with the problems once they've come, but is there a way to avoid it all together, like a conflict vaccination? Well, I think I've come across the closest thing. Like most kids, I spent much of my life so far trying to impress people. This meant doing some things, and saying things that got me into sticky situations. Although these situations were stressful, I could never say I would take them back because they taught me my most valuable lesson. Never say or do anything that you may end up regretting. I can't say I stick to this all of the time, as I am somewhat spontaneous, but when I do the results are always positive. The idea is pretty simple, so simple that many overlook it.
One way that you can avoid conflict, both personal and social, is never lie. I can say I have drastically changed through high school. If you went back to a freshman me, you could probably catch me lying to the teacher after forgetting a homework or assignment. After a while though, I learned that making up a believable lie is often more work then the work itself, and besides teachers seem to know whether your lying or not no matter what you say, and most don't even care. I've learned that by not lying, awkwardness is avoided, and being truthful tends to actually get you more respect. After realizing this in school, I applied this to my personal life, and never looked back. If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to answer.
As far as siblings go, it is funny to see my brother learning the same things that I did. He has the same attitude that I did in middle school. He is always too stubborn to admit he was wrong, and even more stubborn to fix it. Even funnier is how scared he is of what people think. He is just as argument prone as I was, and just as quick to lose them. I help as much as I can with good advice, but for the most part it is best that experience be his teacher, not me.

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